Monday, September 19, 2011

For the Orphans...

Well its been one month today that we became a "waiting family." In the adoption world, that is not long. To the families waiting, every week seems like a long time. I know I set myself up on high expectations for a quick referral due to the older age we are adopting but as I am learning more and more... things can change ever so quickly in the world of adoption; especially when you are dealing with a different country. 

I am almost at a loss of words. (Rare for me, I know.) My heart just aches. There is so much happening in Ethiopia right now. Orphanages are closing in Southern Ethiopia, what happens to those kids? Time frames are taking longer for everything: referrals, court dates travel etc. In the meantime... kids without parents or families WAIT.  I met a lady (family) through our yahoo chat group that is in the middle of her 2nd Ethiopian adoption. She is adopting a 4 yr old little girl who was on the waiting list, the child was waiting to find  a mom and a dad for over a year.  I remember that little girls face! When we started the process with our agency CHI, she was on the wait list. Of course she fits our age profile. We were new in the paper process. Soon after, that little girl was matched with a family. Amen. Now, I've connected with that mom and they have named that little 4 yr. old girl JOY. They have their airline tickets for November purchased, her room ready, clothes bought, family (including her older brother at home) now ready for her. And Little Ms. JOY knows she has a mommy and daddy coming for her. 

Recently a couple men from the Southern region of ET where Joy was in an orphanage came to our agencies transition home and took her along with 2 other children.  They tried telling these men that these children were already matched to families, they didn't care.  Can you imagine how scary for those kids? Our agency director is now on her way to ET to try and locate these kids and allow them to be adopted as they were intended.  These are very scary and unsettling times in ET. Not fair for anyone! UNICEF has been behind a lot of these terrible things happening, NOT an organization to support! (I thought these were the good guys?)  As I read in an adoptive mothers blog, " I wonder if UNISEF  and these governmental officials have ever been in one of these orphanges where kids are begging you to be their mommy?"  

These are heart aching and scary times. Please pray for the children and the families who wish to provide a forever home.  In the meantime, we'll try to keep the FAITH and continue on. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

We are waiting!

As of Friday August 19th, we became an official "waiting family!"  After mounds of papers, fingerprints, official documents the majority of paperwork is behind us.  Now we wait on a list with other expecting parents to finally learn of our child's face!  We are 69th on the list with the majority of parents waiting for infants, so who knows how long we will wait.  It could be a day, week, month or longer.  We are anxious to be connected with our daughter and are scrambling to prepare our home in time. I'm not sure if we will be fully prepared by the time we get the call, but I wonder if anyone ever is!  We are getting closer and closer as each day passes which is exciting!     Allan