Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dreaming ... Travel

One more step closer. With the end of the year upon us, we decided we better get our first round of shots for travel to Ethiopia done. (Just 3 more shots to go!) Allan and I accomplished this bright and early one morning before our way to work.  Avah was with us and she thought it was just great that she could watch her parents get shots and she didn't need to have any of them! =) Giggle.. giggle...

Adoption is indeed a process and a journey of itself. As we wait, I always find new hope in reading other families adoption blogs and especially after seeing how their children mold into their God intended families; no more precious of a Gift!

Friday, November 4, 2011

In Gods Time... Keeping the Faith

It has been awhile since our last post. Kids are back at school, we are activity central over here. Without the big white board that screams out in the kitchen showcasing the weeks activities, I'm not sure we could keep it all connected? Yes, everyone and every family is busy.  Busy, busy. Why do we do all of this?  Well, I guess it's the American way of making sure our children are involved, connected and apart of some sort of individual growth and development, much less you hope for teamwork. However, I always feel we need to "try" and keep it all into perspective. As Allan has said; we need to value what the hierarchy of importance is within our own family too... we try. We try, by keeping the importance of family dinners as much as possible and sometimes choosing when other things are more important then making that one practice or that one dance lesson.  It's important I feel, we not only teach the value of dedication to a team but the dedication to the FAMILY!

Adoption: We still have not seen her face, heard her story or know her name. We continue to pray and anticipate that we will "get the call" soon. We have a lot going on here and we do our best in finding the comfort in knowing, "In Gods Time, Gods Plan will be fulfilled."  I remember when my daughter Avah was born we were torn with what her middle name should be. Should it be "Jean", a name after my father and her mothers middle name? (Though Avah Jean sure does flow nicely,)  "Faith" just kept calling me. So "Avah Faith" she is! Amazing through all of our families journey this last year after loosing my adored sister, Avah's medical issues and our adoption journey, raising adolescent boys,  that middle name "Faith" sure seems to have been indeed what God intended!  Hence or blog name; faiths journey through life...

Like being pregnant, we are expecting. We have prepared the girls room, its beautiful and ready. We continue to prepare by having conversations, reading adoption related books, stories and articles to try and best prepare for her arrive. Just like having a biological child,  you don't know exactly what is ahead of you but you do your best to prepare the best you can.

We continue to Keep the Faith, knowing In God's Time we will all be united and we will bring our God Intended Child... HOME.