Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dreaming ... Travel

One more step closer. With the end of the year upon us, we decided we better get our first round of shots for travel to Ethiopia done. (Just 3 more shots to go!) Allan and I accomplished this bright and early one morning before our way to work.  Avah was with us and she thought it was just great that she could watch her parents get shots and she didn't need to have any of them! =) Giggle.. giggle...

Adoption is indeed a process and a journey of itself. As we wait, I always find new hope in reading other families adoption blogs and especially after seeing how their children mold into their God intended families; no more precious of a Gift!

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with your family pics and just now meeting who you are from our list....we are a bit ahead of you at #40ish. We are at Hope we can follow each other!
